porting number virgin mobile long

porting number virgin mobile long
Sprint Community: How could this get any worse???When you call Verizon or you are at one of the Stores to get new service, tell them you want to Port in your number from virgin mobile. They will.
. I am keeping it. I have kept my Virgin Mobil.. Was it smooth, and how long did it take? Did it take a while for. Re: Porting number from Virgin Mobile to AT&T.
Virgin Mobile User Reviews - Cell Phones - CNET Reviews.
How do I transfer (port) my existing mobile phone number to Virgin Mobile from another provider? 0 Kudos. Started ‎19-10-2012 by. Nigel. Modified ‎07-11-2012.

Oct 15, 2012. forums of people getting their virgin mobile number ported to Sprint. In the US, as long as you're in the same geographic area, you can port.
Oct 18, 2009. I am porting a number from Virgin Mobile to ST. Its now been 30 hours since I submitted the port request at the ST website, and still not working.
If i have a virgin mobile phone and im switching to verizon, can i.
Transfer verizon wireless number - Howard Forums.
porting number virgin mobile long
Virgin Mobile and Google Voice - Android Forums.Re: Porting number from Virgin Mobile to AT&T. - AT&T Community.
. forums of people getting their virgin mobile number ported to Sprint, but. In the US, as long as you're in the same geographic area, you can.
You should be able to port any number to any carrier, cell phone to cell phone, land line to. Boost and Virgin mobile are both owned by Sprint.